Topic of the Day: Sugar Cookies!
So another week has rolled by of fasting. Now that it was the weekend I had time to create some sweets for prayer. I had a few ideas in mind of what to make but I decided on sugar cookies because they seemed the most easiest. I spent six hours the last time making cupcakes (we still had a few leftover we didnt have time to wrap) and I did NOT want to spend that same amount of time making sugar cookies. I think it took me around three hours (with the help of my little sister) to make the cookies. :)
I went to Target and Party City for supplies. Target for the Sugar Cookie Mix, Frosting and Sprinkles and I found these great round clear goodie bags at Party City for the cookies! It was a steal of a find. They had 100 for around $3 bucks. I had found other goodie bags from Target but they were straight and not clear more of a foggy color, didn't look good.
My sister was a lot better at making the little round balls of dough and centering them perfectly in the tray. I know it probably doesn't take a lot to do that but she did do a better job than me, lol.
Fresh outta the oven! The cookies weren't touching each other, were all nice and round and baked to perfection!
We mixed in food coloring like we did last time for the cupcakes.
With a shade of lighter blue, lighter purple and a pretty orange color.
I really love pastels! The sprinkles added just the perfect colorful topping!
At first I thought I would put in two cookies in each bag, but one fit pretty snug.
We'd be able to reach more people as well with one cookie per bag. :)
Here they are all wrapped up. I was thinking we would have more cookies than cupcakes this time around but it turned out to be about the same, like 50 cookies. I'm happy with the way they turned out in taste, looks and packaging! :D