Sunday, March 3, 2019

Chicken vs Duck

My parents exposed me at a young age that this is life, you should know where your meat comes from, what work is put into it and how it makes it to your table for you to eat. When I was younger my mom's family was all still in Pakistan, including my grandmother. Anytime we'd visit my grandmother would go to the animal market and get the 4 of us chickens, parrots, parakeets, goats (if we were there for Eid) and we would take care of these pets (with her help) for the 3 months we were over there for summer vacation. 

In Pakistan/India they dye the chicks to make them fun for children. 

She didn't sugar coat anything. If an animal died, she told us. Tried to find the reason it died. For example I once gave the baby chicks ice cold water from the fridge instead of lukewarm from the sink. It killed one of the chicks, my grandmother told me it was my mistake but it's okay. I learned my lesson right then, because my mistake killed another creature. On another occasion my sister took the chicks to run around on the rooftop. (In Pakistan the rooftops are flat and that's usually where you go to hang clothes to dry after washing). She took them out in the daytime, alone and couldn't keep track of the 4 chicks and one got eaten by a crow. My grandmother told her next time, take someone with her to watch the chicks so that when her back is turned someone is there to scare the crows away. These lessons you learn as a child and you never forget them.  I loved caring for those animals and I'm so thankful to my grandmother who taught me all these little lessons. 

My grandmother and I, she was my best friend. 
Any life skills I have, taught by her. 

I also went to a private school, Al-Huda located in College Park, MD. It was a great school. The curriculum was based off of the Arab style. I remember we went on a field trip one time to a farm. We had a picnic in the fields next to the sheep and then the farmer picked one of those fluffy happy faces and showed us all how to butcher it. I must have been in 3rd grade at the time. It was a very memorable trip, I loved the picnic in the grass under the sunshine, petting those fluffy creatures and then watching them die with a blessing thanking God for providing us with meat and learning how to cook that sheep and eat it. :)

(pic courtesy of google)

There's so many rules and regulations in the United States of what you can and cannot have. How many of a certain animal you can have, what you can do in your backyard and so on. I've always wanted to have my own farm, even if it's a little one on 1 acre of land. That's plenty for me. I would love to have chickens, ducks, goats, maybe some lamb. Fresh milk is the BEST. If you haven't had raw milk I don't know if you'd like it but it's amazing. In Pakistan, in the early morning the milk boy would come making his rounds selling milk door to door that was freshly milked that morning. I used to love getting milk in a bag from him. I'd watch my grandmother pour it into a pot and heat it on the stove. All the fat would rise, in urdu it's called "malai" and we'd each get a spoon to eat. You can use it in lots of different desserts, I know I've said this but it was one of the best things. 

(Shatto Milk is the creamiest milk I could find in Missouri)

I keep getting off track reminiscing, my point is, where I currently reside in Lees Summit, Missouri, you are allowed 6 chickens in your backyard. No roosters. The coop has to be 10 feet from the property line and 40 feet away from the neighbors. Must remain in a constant clean environment with no odors. That one is ridiculous. How do you control poop?! How many times have you driven by cows and smelled the manure a mile away? The wind will carry it. You cannot have more than 3 cubic feet of manure stored (if you're composting).  And slaughtering? Has to be out of pubic view, so you have to have some sort of shed away from prying neighbors binoculars from their 2nd story window to go about your business. So many rules! 

You, reader, may be one of those people that goes to the supermarket and buys a dozen eggs, come home and use that for your family. Well have you ever looked at your egg yolk? It's probably yellow right? Yellow means grain fed. It means the chicken that laid this beautiful little egg was probably cooped up in horrible conditions and fed grain and only grain. Is that what Chickens eat in nature? No. It's not. Free range true natural Chickens eat BUGS, they eat seeds, they scavenge around like little vultures gobbling up anything they can find, scratching and pecking on the grass now dirt path. What they SHOULD be laying are eggs filled with orange colored yolks. You'll taste the difference. It's much richer in taste, healthier too. 

(pic courtesy of google/pinterest)

Now I've bought chicken eggs from the farmers market and was disappointed, the yolk was yellow and it didn't taste all that great. So for this duck comparison I bought eggs from Vital Farms. They provide their chickens with the bugs and the fresh air to produce orange yolks. Jeff likes to buy a dozen eggs for $2-3, I'll pay $5-6.

Side by side comparison. I think duck eggs were $4 for 6. 

I've heard people say duck eggs are bigger than chicken eggs. Not by much. 
I buy the large brown chicken eggs so next to the duck they look the same. 

The duck egg is much thicker of a shell.
You can see the difference looking at the edges. 

The egg whites is where you notice the biggest difference. Duck whites are much thicker, it actually looks like its from a commercial! Jeff can only eat egg whites, he's allergic to the yolk. I feel like he will get more whites by choosing the duck egg. The difference in taste? The duck egg tastes creamier than the chicken. However notice the color? These ducks aren't being fed the most natural stuff. Imagine if they were, not only would they be creamier but tastier too. I wonder what the farmer is feeding them. Not enough duckweed! :P

In conclusion, I want my own farm, so I can feed them and know what is going in their little bodies so whatever they are producing for me, eggs, meat, I know what is going in my body and my future children's bodies. 

Honeymoon to Dubai x4

We went on a Desert Safari Trip!! 

The sand is oh so soft! I love walking barefoot through the sand, it's warm on top but cool underneath. It smells so nice, it's open fresh clean air. I actually collected some sand in a bottle and have it in a jar (along with some seashells I took from the beach) as a souvenir. We drove in a jeep with a really nice Pakistani gentleman who took us for a spin up and down dunes. It was a bumpy ride but I enjoyed this better than the boat ride!

I don't know why I never have my sunglasses, I feel like the purse I carry can only hold so much and Jeffrey always hands me his junk to store that I only have room for my wallet. He doesn't like to hold anything in his own pockets like a regular dude. Look at my crazy hair, there was a nice breeze blowing in the desert.

 The four of us hanging out in the desert! It wasn't very hot this day, I mean it was but not as hot as other days, plus the sun was starting to set and it was starting to cool down. Jeffrey must be getting a tan! 

We were driven to an encampment for festivities and entertainment. When we walked through the "doors" we saw they had fresh coconut water! It was so yummy and naturally sweet drinking straight out of the coconut! If you haven't tried this before you're missing out! It's much better than the boxed thing they sell in supermarkets.

 I always love riding camels. they're so sweet and fuzzy. Jeffrey had never ridden one before I as well as Sarah all rode one! The side to side swaying, with the desert breeze and warm sun made me so sleepy. I could totally fall asleep on a camel! I've ridden them before as a child many times in Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. If I could I would totally own a Camel over a Horse. They have long stick legs like me. :P

 So the platform we are standing on is where they had the entertainment. They had a fire show, a dude was totally in the zone with his ninja like moves spinning balls of fire around. There was a dude that was awesome at dancing, he glowed in the dark too! They had a third show but I can't remember now what it was. They served us dinner and dessert as we watched then we were taken home. :)

Jeffrey in the desert as the sun is setting in the sky. :)

I'm unable to upload my videos here for some reason but if you'd like to view them you can see them on my Instagram page. I've uploaded pictures/videos from my trip to Dubai in 3 seperate posts. Enjoy!

Honeymoon to Dubai x3

The next day we visited a gorgeous Masjid (aka Mosque), not just any Masjid either, Sheikh Zayed Mosque. It's a grand Masjid, the largest in the country and also where he (Sheikh Zayed) is buried. 

I tried to take a Panorama of the Masjid. They had beautiful fountains everywhere, it was absolutely gorgeous!! Words cannot describe how stunning this Masjid is. Every detail is just, wow!

Now before we get into more pictures let me just say that they are very strict in terms of dress code here. It is after all a Mosque, modesty is required and must be respected. Jeff wanders through life in a t-shirt and shorts, which frankly isn't respectful attire so they didn't let him in. Well they would have if he wore the garments they were giving him but he decided to stay out instead of that "hassle". They have a changing room for people that were not dressed appropriately (which were 100% of tourists) to wear longer pants, a jilbab for women as well as scarves to cover your head. I was wearing a scarf but it was a bit see through and they also deemed my outfit too "tight". I can't even remember what I was wearing but ALL my outfits are loose fitting, except my skinny jeans but I wouldn't dare wear that here of all places. Anyways they told me to put on a jilbab and a thicker scarf that covered my long hair (it was in a ponytail but my thin silk hijab kept sliding around).

You had to take off your shoes at the door pretty much. They had a shelf for everyone's shoes. 
This side was more the men's side. If the women tried to cut through as a shortcut they got yelled at. 

Just look at these hallways! They go for so long! I could stare at it all day.  To the left was that large space and to the right a beautiful fountain. You couldn't just keep walking and wandering around they had guards directing where you could and could not go. HOWEVER. Perks of being a Muslim, if you wanted to pray you could go further into the Masjid! Woohoo! First though we needed to use the restroom so we could do Wudu (ablution, cleansing oneself) so we could pray. We had actually done this first but the pictures uploaded backwards and I'm too lazy to rearrange them. Plus it's nice to see pics of the Mosque before the restroom am I right? :P

This restroom was one of the fanciest cleanest one's I've ever been to in my life. 
Look at all those perfect, pretty, cool seats! Rows and rows all around!
Ammie is standing next to a water fountain! It was so refreshing!

The toilet's were also fabulous, if you can describe a toilet as fabulous. There was a woman that as soon as you used the toilet she went in, mopped, cleaned and had incense blowing to make it smell amazing. I'm the biggest bathroom germ-a-phob there is, frankly I don't use them, ever. I'd rather pee in the forest. I dread the 9 months when I one day become pregnant. But yeah I'd totally use these all day everyday. SO CLEAN!

This is inside the women's praying area. You weren't allowed to take pictures but I got off a few before someone told me NO. There was a woman guard in here too. It smelled nice, the carpet was soft and it was so relaxing to pray. The ceiling was also gorgeous mA! It was a great way to start the day, visiting this beautiful Masjid! 

Next up on our itinerary, a boat ride to see the city from the ocean!
Ammie always comes up with the best ideas while on vacation. Go Ammie!  

Jeffrey gave me his sweater (that man always plans ahead) because oh was it chilly racing through the water! My family is all styling in sunglasses and I'm blindly smiling, luckily for me the sun had just hid behind a cloud! FYI take this trip as the sun is going down you'll get the BEST experience!

Funny side story, we were waiting for two people that had paid for the boat tour that were supposed to join our boat. Jeff said "I hope they don't show up so we have the boat to ourselves" I told him you have to stay "InshAllah" and if Allah (swt) wills it, it will happen. So he said "InshAllah" and guess what! No random people showed up and we had the boat to ourselves!! I'm slowly teaching him Arabic words!

How gorgeous is the city skyline! MashAllah!!

The ferris wheel from afar was so pretty! 
Reminds me of the London Eye in England!

To the left we have the most expensive hotel, Atlantis. We originally were going to stay 1 night at this hotel, I think it was $315 a night? I can't remember but we decided to stay in another hotel instead which was closer to places we wanted to sight-see at. Next time! To the right that is the Burj-Al-Arab I think. They have a helicopter landing pad at the top! We have a miniature statue of it we brought back. :)

This was Atlantis at night, the buildings changed with all the beautiful lights on!

Another view of the beautiful night-time city skyline! 

I must say the boat ride was fun BUT scary. The dudes (brothers) that were driving the boat were pulling all kinds of stunts and tossing the boat around, I have a video I need to upload. Even though we were wearing life jackets, none except Jeffrey knows how to swim. Not to mention we had our purses on us and if we flipped there goes our money, cards, passports, everything we need. That's my biggest fear, drowning.

I can't remember what hotel this is. It was another hotel that we were planning on staying at, there was so much security just to get through the doors. We asked them if we could just LOOK at it from the outside and they let us in. We parked in front of the hotel for 2 minutes, snapped a few quick shots and then booked it out of there because they were trying to get us to move on.

Stay tuned for the last part of the trip! :)

Honeymoon to Dubai x2

The next day we visited Miracle Garden. It was an extremely hot day but oh man was this place beautiful mashAllah! If you visit Dubai you HAVE to check out Miracle Garden. Across the park they had a butterfly garden as well which I really wanted to see but by the end of walking through this place we were melting and needed a break out of the sun. Next time though InshAllah I want to visit the places we weren't able to see!

Sorry for the blurry pic, it was hard to focus the camera when you couldn't see.

This place was absolutely stunning mA. There's no words to describe it really. I don't know how they're able to sustain watering these millions and millions of flowers on a daily basis. 

Halfway through the park they had a nice shaded area that was shaded by umbrellas!
The design and color was just so pretty! I got a fresh cool delicious smoothie to cool down!

They had this clock in the garden which actually told the correct time!
They had buildings, pillars, random structures all covered in flowers!

They had Mickey Mouse! Which apparently they had to get the rights to be able to put him up and cover him with flowers. They had a tunnel of hearts! Where I met a little stray kitty!

Jeff thought he was hilarious with this Kangaroo. 
They had a ginormous teddy bear! Whatever you can think of, they had it!

Here's a picture with my beautiful Mama mashAllah! 💜

After viewing and strolling through the gorgeous Miracle Garden of the Desert we headed back towards our hotel. Jeffrey was drained from melting in the hot sun and decided to stay indoors in the AC of our hotel room. I decided to venture out with Ammie and Sarah to view the Burj Khalifa light show! At night, next to the water it was a breathtaking show! What a view!!

The Burj Khalifa is the tallest building in the world, well it was while we were there.
Dubai is actually working on the next tallest building which is supposed to trump this one!

I love this picture I took of my Mama and Sarah. 
The lights reflecting in the water from the buildings behind look so pretty! 

Stay tuned for more adventures in Dubai!