Being the middle child stinks. The middle extra girl child might I add. The eldest is my sister, first born, always the best. My older brother is the only boy, so obviously special treatment for him. My younger sis, baby of the family, leftover treatment for her.
Middle child = no treatment, just blame and things unwanted.
So, with that point in mind. After boarding the cruise ship and shuffling into our rooms, dibs were called on the beds. Me and my sister won. But after my brother complained to daddy dearest, I was given the sofa bed instead. The fake bed that was also - might i add - right next to the balcony - which was over the freakin ocean. Yeah. Good idea. Give the sofa bed to the lunatic afraid of water. If the ship was ever to sink, she'd turn rabid when the water touched her and start dunking heads under.
My pretty pink sofa bed is there in the corner.
I blurred the pic cause my bro is a dork.
My parents had the room next door, they were so happy they were separated from us. Me and my sister on the other hand, were not so happy sharing a room with a boy. The car ride was bad enough, now we have to live with him for 3 days?! If your a girl with brothers, you know the deal you get. Mountains of dirty clothes in every corner of the room, some even as we horrifyingly saw, being air-dried on the balcony, not to mention late night arrivals. He would turn the lights on full blast and blind us in our sleep.
As soon as we settled in and got comfortable, the captain made us do this stupid routine in which we put on life jackets and filed outside onto the deck to listen to him ramble. Again, middle child gets the worst life jacket. The one with throw up all over it. I would have died from unsanitary conditions before drowning.
Now whats the first thing you do after getting on the cruise ship? Unpack? What are you a loser? Explore? Nah, its FOOD! Yea, yea. I'm a twig, its fast metabolism yo. I really do like eating. The best thing about a cruise ship is the food. With no parental supervision, me and my sister scurried to the dessert table for lunch.
Chocolate Cake.
That's like dessert you would get at a 5 star restaurant. Looks delicious, doesn't it? Well it wasn't. It was dry and tasted like moldy bread. For lunch I had salad and fries practically all three days, it was delicious! My favorite things to eat.
I try and eat healthy, hence the salad.
But then I crave fries, which is junk.
They cancel each other out... BUT WHATEVER!
...The lunatic seagulls lurked on deck.
Those birds are nuts yo. More than 20 at least were swarming around. They were even there when we were in the middle of the ocean. Must have been living somewhere on the ship... They even stole food from a ladies plate when she was walking to her table. She screamed and took her cootied food inside. That'd be gross if she ate it..
There were surprises everywhere.
When our beds got made - these showed up!
Later we all decided to take a nap. When we woke up, we could barely see land. The sun was setting in the sky too. And let me tell you. Sunsets on the ocean in the middle of nowhere = best thing ever. It went down so fast, yet so slowly. It was like one of those moments where your're just speechless.
After the sun went down it turned pitch black and really scary. We heard some frightening grumbling noises, but then we realized it was just our stomachs - not some gigantic whale that was trying to tip the ship or anything. o_o
There were a couple different restaurants on the ship, the waiters were extremely nice. Like, beyond nice. They were so helpful and sweet I wanted to give em all hugs. Which is saying a lot; since I don't like hugging people. The ship had something like ravioli, but not. With the most best sauce ever. I had the urge to stash some in my bag, take it home, and find out the secret recipe. Dessert this time was yummy, I got an Orange Sorbet. It was delightful. I wanted seconds but mama said it was time to sleep and sugar would make me hyper. Nightmares here we come!
Orange Sorbet