You know how people usually save the best for last? That's not the case here. Whoever is in charge of the cruise decided to take us to the best island first and the worst island last. Oh btw, totally survived the night. I mean the ship started rocking at like 3am - woke me up. I was paralyzed with fear. My sibs were oblivious and kept on snoring. Snoring at rare times, can be soothing. I listened to them and fell asleep. Usually I want to suffocate them with a pillow. Anyways, like I said, the first island was the best.
I wanted to buy a bungalow and live there.
Beautiful day, blue skies, breezy. I wanted to buy a bungalow and live there.
This is what our cruise ship looked like.
It was quite pretty, hawaiian theme.
I was all hoping to see rare animal species on the islands. I saw weird looking birds, lots of lizards and seagulls that stalked the cruise ship. The flowers all over the island were so pretty. Ohmygosh. And I can't forget the dates in the trees! Me and my mom wanted to climb the trees and gobble them up. When it comes to dates, we're lunatics. Kajoor - the urdu word. They looked so fresh and yummy.
They were ripe. *drools*
The first beach had the most softest sand ever. It was so fresh! The water, sand, sky, the area, everything! There weren't any seashells at all. Mostly there was burned seaweed. Ugh. While your floating around in the water, something icky will wrap around your foot and just graze all over your skin. Plus if your like me, already freaked out about sharks with your dad pulling your floaty deeper into the ocean and leaving you there - you'd practically pee your pants (which is totally unsanitary). Oh, AND I was wearing jeans. When jeans get soaked they weigh like 50 pounds. I was like, sinking.
Fabulous Beach.
The dark circles in the water is baked seaweed.
The darker water in the back drops deep.
We didnt plan on hitting the beach, hence why I'm wearing an outfit, although regardless I would have been pretty fully dressed maybe the only change would be a half sleeve t-shirt with pants not jeans. Anyways after spending the entire day at the beach and smelling like fish seaweed; we decided to hit the showers at the ship.
Walking back I met godzilla. No lie. He was huge, ugly and was staring at me while climbing up a tree. I mean I've seen plenty of lizards in my time. In the states, saudia arabia and pakistan, but this lizard was like a king. I mean look at him:
Walking back I met godzilla. No lie. He was huge, ugly and was staring at me while climbing up a tree. I mean I've seen plenty of lizards in my time. In the states, saudia arabia and pakistan, but this lizard was like a king. I mean look at him:
What a monster.
On that note, I end the day.
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